Thursday, July 26, 2018

Chicano Theatre class: new for the fall!

Chicana/o Theatre, Fall 2018
MW 11:10 – 12: 35
DRAM 111, Matthew Salazar-Thompson,

Image result for marisol jose riveraImage result for lydia octavio solis

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This course is a survey of Chicana/o drama in the United States and Mexico from 1975 to the present. Emphasis is placed on the historical roots, techniques, styles, and dramatic literature. It explores new trends, influences, and developments in playwriting, directing, and performance styles. This course examines issues facing the Mexican-American community through dramatic forms, focusing on the advent of professionally-oriented Chicana/o theatre, examining significant plays, playwrights, and the theatre groups that produced those plays.

This course is designed for Chicana/o Studies majors, Dramatic Arts majors, and anyone interested in literature.

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